Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is Religion a Crutch?

As I observe people I recognize that many look upon the need for faith rather as a crutch, a thing to lean upon in a moment of weakness. I submit to you the vastly different way that I view God.

To me, God is a power source. Without him, I'm a bunch of wires and glass. With him, I am a lighted bulb, glowing bright. Can I make it work without power?

When I 'plugged in' to God it was the beginning of an entirely different journey of life than before. Each time I withdraw from him my life is diminished in joy, power & purpose. My light becomes dim.

I encourage you to not just have a belief about God: Believe God. Don't just pick up the Bible once in awhile: Drink it. And instead of searching for your meaning and purpose in the myriad of life, spend time seeking God. I guarantee it will be worth your effort. The more you intertwine your bulb with His power, the brighter you will become.

If you commit to staying plugged in to God your life will transform in ways you cannot imagine. And if you've never connected with him and made peace with his message of the Old and New Testaments, you owe yourself the journey.

Don't let what you think about 'religion' hinder you. Seek Him. Ephesians 1:17-19

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