Monday, November 17, 2008

What Makes a Person "Intelligent?"

How do you define intelligence? A great knowledge or intellect? A reservoir of fact and vocabulary? Since when did a breathing encyclopedia become a brilliant person?

No, the ability to think suggest intelligence – to reason, create, form new ideas. For it is through such people that all great ideas and philosophies were formed that you are busy reading about.

Indeed, I am confident that he who holds the key to God’s wisdom and knowledge will easily - even carelessly – outpace ever ‘intellectual’ who spent their entire life becoming brilliant. For it is said that “the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength” (1 Corinthians 1:25). Truly “He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

Out of the mouth of a simple person can fall the greatest wisdom when he is a vessel of God. Indeed, God would rather use a simple one, lest the greatness of his words be attributed to his own intelligence. Instead, he who remains humble will be used for God’s glory to insult the intellects of our time.

Let us seek wisdom – from the only source of true wisdom – the spirit and truth of God. Let us spill His wisdom wherever he chooses to the advantage of his perfect plan.

Remain humble, and always remember the source of the power and wisdom flowing through you. For without God, we would return to our former state of eating grass.* Reflect the glory up, and please God. He is the only one worth pleasing.

*Daniel 4

Saturday, October 18, 2008

‘Joe the Plumber’ Concept Getting Clogged Up

‘Joe the Plumber’ represents the plight of small business owners. It’s not about him, and let’s stop skating around the issue and changing the subject. We are all disgusted with the vicious attacks of the media.

Obama told Joe that he planned to “spread the wealth.” Really, that says it all. This means hardworking small business people whose intention is to one day make more than $250k should know that it’s probably not worth the effort. Once you have supposedly arrived financially, we intend to collect a large portion of your hard earned profits to misuse and redistribute through the Federal Government. So, don’t bother! Don’t grow your business, don’t work hard to achieve your dreams, and whatever you do – don’t add jobs to the economy. After all, why should you risk your investment, pull a market share, expand your business and add jobs to your payroll if most of it will just be collected by Uncle Sam?

My husband and I run a small business. We know how hard it is to grow a business, especially when the economy is faltering. There are a thousand frustrating details associated with running a business that a typical employee has no awareness of. Sometimes it doesn’t seem worth it. But why do we keep doing it? The same reason anyone works for any goal - to achieve. To one day be free from financial pressure. To contribute to society, to add jobs to the economy, to produce.

We ought to be encouraging our small business owners. We need to give them incentives to grow their business and create jobs. These are some of the most hardworking and most underappreciated people in America. Let’s keep government out of their way and let them do what they do best.

If you want to see jobs created and our economy grow from the bottom up then stand with American Small Business owners and vote for the change that we believe in: John McCain.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Are You Angry?

I've never seen people so angry. There's a visceral type of anger that is seething beneath the surface right now that I've never seen so widespread.

We have many reasons to feel angry. We pay our bills, we haven't buried ourselves in debt. We've lived responsibly. And now we are paying the price for the irresponsible and the greedy.

We cried out against the bailout, and it was passed anyway. Still, we figured it would calm Wall Street, but instead the dow is in a free-fall. And now (after the fact) we're being told that the Federal government can nationalize banks if they want to. As if they will restrain themselves. Ha! I don't care which party is in charge, government always jumps at the chance to grow in size and power. Socialism here we come!

I know a women who's family is from Cuba. It didn't take long for her to communicate to me that she is confident socialism is NOT the way to go. Yes, that is our possible future. The government will take care of you and incentive is removed from society. Do you know that the more power you relinquish to the government the more freedom you surrender?

I know we're all angry. And it's easy to point the fingers. But without oversimplifying, I want to tell you a little story about good intentions and beautiful ideas.

Once upon a time there was a politician with a great idea. Help people have the American Dream. Help them get into a home of their own. So he helped develop a little organization, a for-profit company, to offer mortgages to higher risk individuals. If they incur a loss, the government will step in and cover them. If they gain a profit, they get to keep it. Well, if you know anything about business, you'd have to agree this is an ideal situation. You're lending money to brand new market with no risk! They had nothing to lose and everything to gain. Left unchecked, this eventually grew to be the driving force behind the dominoes falling before our eyes.

You want to spout talking points at me, go ahead. But please read this before you do to get the unbiased story (the unsimplified version).

It's true, as a republican I'm tired of our party getting all the blame. But I can see that both parties had a hand in this, certainly the democrats did, and there was much to be gained by taking campaign contributions from Freddie & Fannie and ignoring the problem. Frankly, it matters little to me what caused the problem, except that we shouldn't repeat it. What really boils my blood is that they - all of Washington- could SEE it coming and didn't act decisively.

So we're angry. Just be careful where you direct your anger. Don't let your anger blind you. Don't let the politicians do all the talking while you do all the following. Don't let the talking heads interpret what you see and hear. Think for yourself! Question! Debate. Research. Follow the clues. Weigh the options before you carefully and make an informed and sound decision.

We will get through this time of crisis if we do not lose our cool. America is made up of strong people with a strong resolve. We are not wimps. We may be walking through a valley, but we will not take up residence there. We will come through this as a stronger nation. Believe in the hope of the future.

"Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men who cannot save" (Psalm 146:3) Instead,
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Learning to Live Loved

I attended a fundraising dinner for a ministry here in Vero called Crosslife tonight. The speaker, Steve Pettit. He was engaging and listening to him felt like drinking from a firehose. Despite my notes, which are lengthy, I'm sure I'll do a poor job trying to sum up his message here.

So much of our focus on religion is how much we can worship God, prove to him our goodness or obedience, try to make ourselves worthy of the sacrifice Jesus made for our lives. I know we don't HAVE to, but I think believers do this, knowing full well that we don't deserve the unmerited grace God has given us through His plan. Truly we love God and want Him to know the depth of our gratitude.

Having said that, I wonder how often any of us have thought about how much God loves us? Obviously he much have loved us dearly to coordinate such a plan, foreshadowing the message as early in the Bible as Abraham, who was asked to slay his long-awaited son Isaiac to prove his trust in God... which remarkably Abraham was willing to do! The Old Testament lays the foundation of law, revealing sin in our lives, and the ultimate need for a sacrifice to reconcile man with God. And the New Testament reveals the prophecy of the old, The love of Christ, his ultimate gift and the best thing you can do as a believer is 1)Love God with all your heart and 2)Love others as yourselves.

Truly the message of Christ is powerful. It is a message of love. But do you REALIZE just how much God loves YOU? And do you realize that everyone else is a "being loved" child of God too?

All of us were born with something lost, and we spend our lives trying to fill it. "The Goods" (career, family, stuff) never quite reach the need, leaving us all still searching for our purpose in life. Have you found yours? I submit to you it isn't a purpose you seek, but an acceptance. You want to be loved. And no can love you my friend - NO ONE can love you like God can. Everyone else can and will disappoint you, but His love is perfect. He wrote the book on love and you are unbelievably dear to Him. Look no further, God wants to cradle you, he wants to love you, he wants to sing over you.

Give Him the chance to show you why you were created. Will you pray to Him today?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Discover Him!

I am SO excited about God. He is absolutely AMAZING! The more you pursue a relationship with Him, the more he reveals.

Stop trying to do it all in your own strength. It's like trying to move yourself across the ocean with a paddle in a rowboat. No, you're missing it. Ride the waves and discover the power of God and how you can be used to do great things. DISCOVER HIM today.

Monday, September 22, 2008

McCain on Financial Markets

Those of you dead set on voting for Obama- and you know I love all of you - I know you are reluctant to change your mind and the more I attempt to hail the wonder of John McCain the more you will hold fast to your convictions. BUT-I feel so strongly that Obama would be an economic mistake for our country (to put it softly), that I implore you to educate yourself thoroughly before voting on idealistic passion. How much more abuse can our economy take? Here's McCain's plan - just educate yourself.

I want you to consider that because Obama is inexperienced, he will rely heavily on his advisors to help him make important decisions. And who will his advisors be? Well, so far Jim Johnson, the former CEO of Fannie Mae (great choice) advised him to select Joe Biden. Now, was that a good decision? It very well may have been his campaign's fatal mistake. We can expect more stellar decisions such as this one if he is elected. And more brilliant advisors such as Johnson, who was partially responsible for running Fannie Mae into the ground, whose resulting bail out has started a snowball of economic consequences.

Just think about it.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Breath of Fresh Air: Sarah Palin

Well, now it's the republicans turn to be giddy. I think I have some idea of they way liberals felt about Obama... because Sarah Palin has electrified the republican ticket somewhat like the way Obama rallies people. But that's about where the similarity ends!

Sarah Palin is all that I admire in a woman.

1. She is a loving mother, and doesn't try to hide the significance of being one.

2. She admires and respects her husband. I sure respect and admire mine, but it has become uncommon among women.

3. She is down-to-earth. She doesn't have to talk about understanding "the average American" - SHE IS ONE.

4. She is tough without being mean. She treats her career like good mothers try to treat their kids. Fair & loving, but tough when necessary.

5. Practical. Just because you can spend money on ridiculous things doesn't mean you should. The money can be put to better use elsewhere.

6. Credible. It's hard to imagine Sarah screwing someone over. I'm not saying she'll never let us down, because nobody is perfect. But she strikes me as the type who would always do her best to do the right thing.

7. Feminine. She is not a man. She doesn't try to be one. She is able to be decisive and in control without trying to be masculine to accomplish it.

Overall, she's likable. She embodies the American spirit. And in a place where change is unlikely (Washington, DC), I think she just might shake things up a bit. So, yeah, we're pretty excited.

What do you think of her?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Love Sarah Palin

Ok, I'm a pretty moderate conservative. But I didn't like McCain and was fairly disappointed when he was nominated. But after the Saddleback interview I felt relieved and somewhat supportive. Now that he has nominated Sarah Palin as his VP, I'm downright excited. I like her, she's full of spunk and is obviously a real person interested in real reform. But more than that, I think John McCain is making good decisions. Smart decisions. Risky leadership-type decisions. He may be old, but he acts like anything but an old guy. He's more full of fire than most people half his age!

Monday, September 1, 2008

What you should know about me...

Here's a few things you should know about me.

C/W/M/BO/C/PM: Christian/Wife/Mother/Business Owner/Conservative/Positive Minded/Artist

Christian. I am devoted to my God, Jesus Christ is my King to whom I owe my life, The Holy Spirit who guides me daily on my walk. I am not a huge fan of religion. I think the current trend in religion is old fashioned, explaining why most churches are filled with elderly people. I don't think the answer is "contemporary music" or making church "fun" (not that those are bad things). I do think Jesus would find most organized religion troubling and not quite the 'family of God' he intends for his children. God blesses unity and harmony. Our churches need to unite, casting aside our differences and focusing on our common ground. We need to stop sending a message of condemnation and self-righteousness out into the world, and start sending the message of love and acceptance. Jesus truly LOVED people who were not accepted in his time, and we should do the same. For we will win others in how much we care, not how much we know.

I believe that there is a heaven and a hell, and the life we live here on earth is somewhat "matrix" like- a facade, and alternate reality to the real spirit world which we cannot hear or see. Our mission on earth: to seek God, unite with Him through the acceptance and favor of Jesus Christ, and seek His will and way in our life. We will face trials, tests, insurmountable sorrow, incredible joy & in between - years of drudgery. Life will fool us into believing "this is it" and our work for God can be done in between the our Real Life which is career, family, enjoyment. In fact, these are the things which keep us busy and hopefully do not distract us from our Main Purpose - that is, whatever task God has for us.

If you think that God does not exist, think again. Just because you don't believe in Him, doesn't mean He does not exist. We can't reset the boundaries of the oceans just because we want waterfront property, and we cannot define God to meet our needs just because the real God isn't quite what we had in mind. But He loves you and longs to be a part of your life, if you would just take a moment to SEEK HIM. He created you, you are special, and you have a greater purpose in life that is only known to Him. If God were as obvious as the sun or the ground you walk on, you would have no choice but to believe in Him. It would not require faith, or any effort on your part. Instead finding Him is much like following a treasure map. If you follow the clues, you will discover Him, and your love and faith will mean something to him because it was given of your own free will.

I implore you to take a step to discover Him today. I believe you reading my message today is no accident. Read the book of John (New Testament of the Bible). Join the most wonderful, most exclusive family in the world.

Wife. I am married to Steve, my high school sweetheart - my best friend and the love of my life. I believe that keeping my marriage strong is second only to serving God, and comes before caring for my children or running our business. Take time to date your spouse. So many lose sight of why they got married, especially once they have children. These little "visitors" in your home provide an enormous challenge and distraction from the marriage, but you didn't get married to simply procreate. No, you desired friendship, love, sex (don't deny him ladies), and security. Don't cast these greater goals aside because you are trying to win the mommy contest or further your career. Take time together. Date each other. Keep the bond alive.

Mother. My two boys are my greatest joy (and my greatest frustration). They are so fun and crazy and entertaining, but there are moments when I've thought I might as well have eaten bon bons instead of trying so hard. It's like I've never said 'whining will get you nowhere' because my oldest still does it. Does he think a cosmic shift might suddenly cause it to work? It never has. Why does he keep trying?? And then there are moments when he says, "Mommy, let's pray for those people in the accident" and I think I may have done some good somewhere. Will they ever eat anything except macaroni and cheese? If I let things slide, I am spoiling them - if I'm too strict then I'm harsh. My baby is such a gift - so easy - except when imitating his brother. Have you ever known a baby that puts himself into a stroller and then puts himself to sleep? That's my littlest. He loves to make you laugh. But my oldest will conquer the world - look out if you get in his way!

Business Owner. I own and operate a business with my husband, Steve. We are moderately successful. We have helped a lot of clients, we try to go the extra mile, and we are always setting new goals for the future. We are franchising our business, hoping to expand while helping others to find a way to create an income of their own.

Conservative. You had to know that since I am a business owner. The economics of the right are reality-based. The left is fantasy. Government can't run anything effectively, just compare a government organization to a small business. Government, fat, wasteful - small business, lean, profitable. Who is more noble, those who talk about providing jobs, or someone who risks their money, time, and pride to start a business and create jobs? Hey, let's reward their efforts with regulations and taxation that cause some of them to close their doors.

Who cares more about the common man - those who give 5-25% of their income (on top of their taxes) to help the poor & feed the hungry - or those who want the government to care for the people (as long as it's someone else's money). Put your money where your mouth is and we'll see who cares about helping others. Is the government a vehicle that can meet people's needs? If you have cancer in a foreign country with national healthcare, you must get on a 9 month waiting list for surgery. You'll be toast in 9 months. Yeah, great idea. It's all beautiful in concept, but we live in reality people. Don't believe the rhetoric of the left. Investigate the reality. Don't be so naive.

Having said that, I'm glad we have two parties. One side unopposed would produce an extreme society. But let's elect people who wish to find common ground and accomplish something, not just people who want to be in office, feel important, and strategize on their next political stepping stone.

Join me in the middle. Don't be so dead set on your one issue that you get sucked into the extreme.

Positive Minded. Your attitude is so much more important than anything that happens to you in life. The key to happiness and joy is to know where the blessings come from and look for the best in whatever you are doing, all the time, no matter what the circumstance. It can always be worse, and it surely will be if you dwell on it. More on this later!

The (somewhat reluctant) Artist. A passion I can't escape, art has followed me my whole life. I couldn't help majoring in this worthless field when I graduated from college since through all my major fluctuations it was the only degree I actually took enough classes in to graduate. All this and I never took a graphic design class... no, my first love is painting, to which I have put on permanent hold and can therefore not truly consider myself an artist knowing that I am neglecting my chosen medium to do things like raise children and build a business. Alas, the dream awaits... a large studio with tall ceilings, big windows, ready made canvasses, plenty of supplies. I'll probably still have to call my mother and say, "so, what should I paint?" :) We'll see! At least in the meantime I'll put my skills to work creating website designs and the occasional watercolor. But one day...

Now you know a little bit about me. Hopefully you'll find my opinions interesting and entertaining. cya